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Know Your Body Type

  • Body Constitution is what we are born with. Each of us is unique.
  • You must know your Body Type to get the maximum health benefits from daily diet to medical treatment when ill.
  • Nutrimap free tools help you find your body type.

NutriMap Free Tool

Body Imbalance Test ( Dosha Vikriti)

  • Body Constitution is what we are born with. Each of us is unique.
  • You must know your Body Type to get the maximum health benefits from daily diet to medical treatment when ill.
  • Nutrimap free tools help you find your body type.

NutriMap Free Tool

Know Your Digestive Power

  • The digestive fire is needed for metabolism, absorption of food and nutrients. Balanced digestive fire is the key to living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life whereas impaired state leads to disease.
  • The digestive Strength may vary day to day. The earlier an imbalance is detected and addressed, the easier it will be to correct.
  • This assessment is designed to identify your current Digestive Power.

NutriMap Free Tool

Know Your Lifestyle score

  • Lifestyle encompasses the daily routines, dietary habits, and behavioral choices that influence our overall health.
  • Understanding your lifestyle habits can help identify areas for improvement to achieve a healthier life.
  • Please answer the following questions honestly to know your lifestyle score.

NutriMap Free Tool

Health & Lifestyle Wellness

  • Personalized Health Insights: Get tailored recommendations based on your unique lifestyle and wellness profile for optimal health improvement.
  • Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation: Assess key aspects of physical, mental, and emotional health through an all-inclusive evaluation process.
  • Actionable Health Goals: Receive practical, achievable goals to enhance your well-being and track your progress with ease.

Know Your Body Type (First Test)

You must know your Body Type
to get the maximum health benefits from daily diet
to medical treatment when ill.

Know your Body Type

Is Your Body Off Balance (Second Test)

Imbalance happens before a disease is manifest.
Hence, any imbalances in the body must be corrected quickly
for the restoration of normal health.

Take Dosha Vikirithi Test