(Please provide your answers here based on the time when you were in your best health, like during your college days, which may not be your current health condition.)
(Don’t select this, if you are suffering from obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism)
(not in any emergency situation)
(You may select more than one option )
(You can select up to 2 options)
(Hair can look and feel different - Curly hair may look very rough, but may be very soft to touch. Shining hair may look soft, but can be rough to touch. (You may select more than one option ))
(Your first reaction towards a situation. Like, when someone passes a bad comment about you or you have been cheated etc.)
(People with Dementia, Alzheimer's, Hypertension, Diabetes or any kind of psychological disorder, need not attempt this Question. (You may select more than one option ))
You are almost half way through. Keep going, you have got this.